Get Started

The main thing worth noting is how to authenticate via the trakt module. As of Trakt2.0, you need to generate an authentication token (API Key) in order to use this application. Regardless of whether you are a single user or a media center you’ll want to hold on to this key for as long as it’s good for. To generate this key you can interactively run PyTrakt’s init function like detailed below:

Example Usage

The simplest way to generate an API key is to let trakt.init walk you through the process of generating one from scratch. Currently PyTrakt supports both OAuth and PIN auth methods (the default is PIN).

PIN Auth

You can authenticate to trakt via PIN Auth like so,

>>> import trakt
>>> # to get an id for your app, visit
>>> trakt.init()
If you do not have a PIN, please visit the following url and log in to generate one.
Please enter your PIN:
>>> # Once you've pasted your PIN, you'll be completely authenticated and
>>> # ready to use PyTrakt

If you already have a Trakt PIN generated, you can provide it to the init function

>>> from trakt import init
>>> init('MY_PIN')

And you’re all set

OAuth Auth

You can also initialize using OAuth authentication like so,

>>> from trakt import init
>>> import trakt.core
>>> trakt.core.AUTH_METHOD = trakt.core.OAUTH_AUTH  # Set the auth method to OAuth
>>> init('myusername')
If you do not have a client ID and secret. Please visit the following url to create them.
Please enter your client id:
Please enter your client secret:

Please go here and authorize, <authorization_url>
Paste the Code returned here:
>>> # paste your code above and your access token will be returned

This example assumes that you haven’t already created an OAuth application on Trakt yet. As of PyTrakt v2.0.0, if you have already registered your OAuth application on Trakt, you can specify your CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET to the init function and skip the first couple steps, like so

>>> from trakt import init
>>> init('myusername', client_id=my_client_id, client_secret=my_client_secret)
Please go here and authorize, <authorization_url>
Paste the Code returned here:
>>> # paste your code above and your access token will be returned

As of PyTrakt v2.0.0, trakt.init also exposes a store flag. This boolean flag can be used to store your PyTrakt API authentication data at the configurable trakt.core.CONFIG_PATH (the default is ~/.pytrakt.json). This will allow PyTrakt to dynamically load in your authorization settings when it runs, so that you won’t have to worry about including that setup in your utilities. The store flag is set to False by default to appease those of you out there who are more security conscious. To set the store flag you can simply run init like so

>>> from trakt import init
>>> init('myusername', store=True)

Should you choose to store your credentials in another way and not to set the store flag, you will need to ensure that your application applies the following settings before attempting to interact with Trakt

  • trakt.core.OAUTH_TOKEN

  • trakt.core.CLIENT_ID

  • trakt.core.CLIENT_SECRET

These can be set like so

>>> import trakt
>>> trakt.core.OAUTH_TOKEN = my_oauth_token
>>> trakt.core.CLIENT_ID = my_client_id
>>> trakt.core.CLIENT_SECRET = my_client_secret

This is all of the authentication you’ll need to perform to use the latest version of Trakt’s API